Time to Move On

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Hey Guys,

I get it, everyone’s “mixed” feelings, I am suffering from it as well. You cant take away the beautiful shots this show has given us, the actors amazing ability to take very little speaking words and somehow give us all feelings from just faces and emotions, the lighting the special effects everything. Gorgeous.

We can all complain about the same thing, the pacing. The rushed feeling like you had just gotten your entree and suddenly they’re closing down the restaurant and your inhaling your food at an alarming rate trying to savor everything you paid for as quickly as you can before they just take away your plate, mid-bite. We got what we came for, even if it was thrown down our throats. So whats the point left in complaining about pacing? we cant go back, we cant fill in the holes, we cant slow it down, we can only just swallow whats been shoved in our mouths and accept it.

So thats what ive done. Accepted it. Is it the ending I thought up? No. Is it AN ending at all that i saw coming? No. Is it my story that i get to control? also no. If I am using Gene’s logic in this, then I can just accept that the Double D’s intended to give us exactly what they gave us, and who am I to criticize the artist for painting a picture that i dont understand. Im sure there are people that LOVE this ending, im sure there are people that canceled their subscriptions. No way all of us would be happy.

I fall into a different camp, I appreciate the journey that this show has taken me on. I loved watching characters grow up, I loved that I got to grow up with them, I appreciate the story (and lessons) I took from the show, I am grateful it gave me a fantasy world to live in for a little, but yea I don’t think I like the destination much. But isn’t it the journey…not the destination? So I can’t focus on where we ended, and I will continue to look and judge and hold this series up to the journey it took me for, and that is how I will weigh it against anything else I see on tv.

I appreciate you guys for coming along this journey, even though it was just two seasons worth, it was fun and thoughtful and we all got something from it. But now it’s over. Time to move on…..to that fucking WESTWORLD TEASER TRAILER. get ready because if you thought I was annoying LAST SEASON just wait till we’re all debating if Aaron Paul is a host, host human, human host, human human, are we in the real world? future world? the real future? the host future? AH IT WILL BE SO REFRESHING to be back up the river, riding another show and letting it take us on a new journey before completely rejecting where THAT journey leaves us!!!!

to many more fun journeys with disappointing destinations!!!
(looking at you Watchmen! AND DON JOHNSON)

Gillian Lanni

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