Timelines and the Meanings of Names

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi guys, love the podcast.

Sorry I haven’t got a theory about how the centre of the maze is Bernard who is a host who is Arnold who was a person who downloaded his consciousness into a host (but Arnold was never actually real and was just Ford’s Tyler Durden) who reuploaded it into a human who was William and Logan simultaneously but is now the MIB but the MIB’s actually in the past and Willogan’s in the future.

I was just wondering if you’d watched Person Of Interest and/or LOST (I think it’s been mentioned a few times before) because Jon Nolan and JJ Abrams both seem to have a penchant for using time as an integral part of their plots, revealing things bit-by-bit that impact the “present”, probably most famously in LOST’s “we have to go back.”

Given this, the logos and all the other, admittedly circumstantial evidence, what does the single timeline have going for it evidence-wise that couldn’t be a product of clever/misleading editing.

Abrams has continuously used our assumptions in LOST to completely trick us without feeling cheated (except for season 6 but I didn’t mind it that much) so it seems likely another show where he is involved, although I’m not really sure in what capacity and was wondering if you could explain that, would use similar tropes, reminiscent of making you think Teddy was a newcomer; nobody ever said he was a newcomer but we assumed he was and that made the reveal all the more satisfying.

If it is 2 timelines, how do you think the reveal could be done?

I loved the idea of Peter Abernathy 1.0 showing up as the professor but was wondering if you guys had any others. Also considering how much us fans spend analysing the names of the characters, I couldn’t tell whether you missed it or just played it off really well when you read telegrapher Drew Peacock’s name (Droopy Cock).

Thanks again for making such an awesome podcast and treating every theory with respect, no matter how creative it is, can’t wait for the finale and your take on it! –Keir

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