Tinfoil Theory Westworld Episode 4: Riddle Of The Sphinx

Westworld Telegraph

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Hello and Good Evening to my Favorite Podcasters!
Just a quick note, I am a long time listener of all your podcasts, both Shat on TV and Shat the Movies, all the way to the first episode when it was just Rog and Big D, and a bit later when we were introduced to Gene as a special guest on the Lost Boys episode. I’ve listened to Taboo, Game of Thrones and Westworld, just not American Gods, I could not get into that one. I say all of this to ask you to be gentle with me as I am a first time writer, I usually just talk at you all during the weekly commute into work when I disagree, or need to “um actually” and correct something you missed. I am gonna mess up some nomenclature and misstep here and there, you have been forewarned. Sooo, here we go… I have 2 tinfoil theories to the same question: Who is the control pod Bernard made and pocketed for? 1. It is for Arnold. I know, I am dismissing the Arnold was always AI in this one, ( a theory I actually subscribe to) but this was my first thought as soon as Bernard pocketed that control pod when I was watching the episode.Here is how it plays out. Arnold as the “ghost in the machine” orders Bernard to make him a control pod with what is left or what is already downloaded of his consciousness in order to bring him back. It seems to me if anyone was going to be able to successfully implant a consciousness into a host body it would have to be Arnold. Why would Arnold want to come back as a host? How does this advance the story? It really doesn’t, and it is pretty tinfoily, but I like this theory because I would really like to see a Arnold and Bernard interaction and it was my first one.

2. It is for Robert Ford. He starts this new narrative ” Journey into Night”, uploads Wyatt into Dolores and takes the controls off the rest of the hosts, causes chaos, distracting everyone from what is really going on. He orders Bernard to make him a control pod, destroy the lab and witnesses in order to come back. Why, Why would he do this? Because he can, because he knows WHAT the “Door’ is. He cracked the code into merging the conscious mind with a host body. It is the game he is playing with William. William is looking for the very thing that Robert already knows. Just like the maze was not a place or thing, but a way for the hosts to gain sentience, a journey of the mind. The Door is a way for the conscious mind to adapt to being in a host body, not rejecting the idea of reality as we see in Daddy Delos. A journey for the conscious mind. How does this tie into William’s looking back not forward to find the Door? I’m wondering if maybe William had the answer in one of the 149 Daddy Delos models, but missed it.

Thanks for all you do! I look forward to your podcasts, all of them and don’t think I could get thru my commute with out you all any more. I am so happy you have included Kerri Gross to the Telegraph! Right after this email, I am going to go leave another review on Itunes, specifically stating it is all because Kerri’s story during the Casino Podcast of glass tubes that you got 5 Stars! Lets hope this offsets the 1 star for the same story! People are so sens.. i..tive. ( say it like Major Payne ). Until next time, these violent delights have violent ends…


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