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After the most recent episode, I am sure you have your hands full with emails on Dany, Jon, Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion, etc. I could go on about them this season but I thought I would write in on a character that is not getting enough attention: Varys.
I will admit that season has disappointed me at times, but I do not share the same level as disdain as some of the other viewers. However, I have been rather upset about how Varys has been treated by the writers this season.
We all know Varys was arguably the most intelligent and cunning character on the show. He has survived several monarchs, and has always been able to hold a high position of power. However, this season, he has made some uncharacteristically bad decisions.
First, he assumes Dany is going mad. There really isn’t much evidence to support this other than the burning of the Tarly’s. And even then, the Tarly’s went to war with Dany and refused to surrender. Dany showed mercy to those who surrendered. What she did to the Tarly’s was somewhat justified considering they were at war. Dany also wanted to attack King’s Landing and Varys saw that as a red flag for some reason? Again, they are at war. This is a very normal idea to have when you are at war. He also looked concerned when Dany was acting strangely in the great hall after the battle of the Winterfell. Dany had just lost half of her most loyal soldiers and her most trusted friend in Jorah. Give the woman a break.
In fact, there are numerous times where Dany has shown mercy in front of Varys. She initially tried to go the peace route when attempting to take King’s Landing, spared Jaime despite the fact the he killed her father, and even spared Varys despite his attempts to have her killed under King Robert’s rule.
Since Varys has been in her service, Dany has shown more mercy than madness, so I was baffled when he assumed she was going mad and decided to betray her. His plan for betraying her was even more baffling.
Varys quickly decided that Dany was mad despite very little evidence, and as soon as he heard Jon was rightful heir, he chose Jon over Dany. He could have gone the easier route and backed their marriage and joint rule. At the very least, he could have waited until the time was right to attempt a coup. Instead, he decides to act right away and try to convince Jon and Tyrion to join his cause and betray Dany then and there on Dragonstone. This is insanely foolish. Even if Jon and Tyrion joined his cause and killed Dany, there is no chance they take King’s Landing. Hell, there is little chance any of them leave Dragonstone alive. Had they killed Dany they would’ve had to deal with the unsullied, dothraki, and A FULL GROWN FUCKING DRAGON. Even if Tyrion, Jon, and Varys kill Dany and somehow get off the island alive, there is no way Varys is successful in getting Jon on the throne. Without the unsullied, dothraki, and Drogon, Cersei obliterates whatever is left of the opposition.
Yes, what Dany did at the end of the episode was overkill. And that is putting it lightly. However, there was insufficient evidence to support Varys’ assumption at the time of his attempted coup. Varys waiting until after the war to make a move would have been much more aligned with his character.
Varys is not the only character that I am scratching my head about (I am doing the same with Arya, and Jaime), but I figured I would write about the character who I feel is not discussed enough.
Thanks for the endless hours of content, and keep up the good work.
Mac M.
P.S. In this episode, Varys also mentions he has known more kings than any man living. This is simply not true. He has known Aerys, Robert, and Joffrey. Jaime has known Aerys, Robert, Joffrey, and Tommen. Jaime has also known Robb, Balon, and Euron if you want to count them. Varys has not. Classic D&D fucking up something that any fan should know.
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