Westworld Theory/Shakespeare

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

First, let me say I love the podcast. I listen to all 3 episodes every week…thank you for the hard work and dedication.

On to the theory/parallel….Westworld is ALL about Shakespeare, and it dawned on me-William’s wife is named Juliet. This theory doesn’t have as much to do with the plot of Romeo and Juliet as it does the ENDING. Just quick a fill-in in case you’re not familiar, Romeo is soheartbroken that Juliet swallowed poison (pills nowadays??) and committed suicide, he travels to her grave and kills himself…moments later, Juliet suddenly wakes up, because she wasn’t actually dead. She promptly commits suicide for real upon realizing this. What if…Juliet isn’t really dead? Could someone have simply made William THINK she is dead, sending him on a suicide rampage?

Also, another tin-foil theory, completely off the subject…what if the REAL William is out in the real world doing real world things, and the William we are seeing is a copy that REAL william has no idea exists? Hear me out-of-town government (or whoever is in power) is onto William’s and Delos’s scheme to achieve immortality. He’s close to being caught/prosecuted, so he shuts down the project as to cover his tracks. The government needs proof, so they aquire William’s profile and have a copy of him made…the whole narrative we see in season 2 (and possibly season 1 also) is simply trying to get him to confess. If you re-watch all the GrEmily scenes, she REALLY REALLY wants him to admit his guilt to something. That could also be why Charlotte Hale is after the data. Referencing season 1, she says it was do to “her predecessor” that the data remained in the park for 30+ years…could the real William have been de-throned and the COPY William not even realize he is no longer in charge? They could feed any memories they want into his head, sending him down the path he is taking, and ultimately sending in GrEmily to reinforce the fake memories, and get info about the project so he could be prosecuted (or stolen if it is a rival company).

Sorry about the long email…I hope you have a great day and I look forward to listening to all of your future shows, even those non-westworld related.

Derek English

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