Westworld Weapon Theory!

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys, I love the show and how you talk about the big picture! Listening to your podcast helped me form this half crazy idea I’ve been tossing around in my head. Ummm sorry it’s so long. Ok, so I can’t stop thinking about that scene in the alternate superbowl trailer (about 1:15, sorry I don’t understand how to take pics without a giant YouTube pause button over them) where Old William – MIB is walking in a lab and a man is behind him throwing things against a wall/glass. Who is this guy? Is it…a clone of himself? Or maybe it’s James Delos…but in the MIB timeline?

So my theory is…Delos the company has already developed immortality but for whatever reasons they haven’t shared it. And James Delos is immortal, but housed in a giant unbreachable facility that William built, locked him away in, and showed Dolores at some point. And he’s all pissed that William is there (because he’s the one “in charge” and thus keeping him trapped) so he’s pitching a fit. Side note: I think the transfer into his “immortal” body didn’t go so well mentally – i.e. that scene where his face is all shredded up in the mirror, maybe he did it himself? I’ve always thought he was holding one of those skin mender things in his hand, so maybe he’s repairing himself after going a little crazy about actually being immortal. Because seriously, what a mind fuck.

So the MIB has had a change of priorities so to speak and wants to destroy this facility he’s in and make sure no one else becomes immortal. Charlotte needs the info on how to let others also eventually become immortal. Arnold and Logan realized what the company was doing and offed themselves/became an addict and couldn’t deal. (p.s. I listened to your Arnold is AI theory and I think this could go right with it. Arnold tried to end “himself” but Ford just brought him right back, slightly different, as a Bernard. I can’t really get the whole family aspect of his character but I’m ok with that for now)

Also, maybe Ford was thinking humans have really screwed this up and doesn’t think they’ll ever make the right decisions about immortality going forward – so he gives the Hosts power to make this decision themselves.

I don’t know what Dolores wants with it other than she’s made this decision to get there somehow, maybe to be a messiah? Something about how she killed Major Craddock and brought him back to life made me think she might want to show up in the real world with the supposedly long dead James Delos and be like, surprise, I’m one hell of a messenger with this not-dead guy.


– Steph

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2 Responses

  1. Steph says:

    Well I say at some point James Delos became immortal but for whatever reason – insanity, inability to control an immortal person in unforeseen ways, etc. the decision was made that immortaily would not (or not yet) be shared with the wider world. Or maybe he locked him away as proof that the technology exists, but again, won’t let him out for a thus far unknown reason.Technically a human’s #1 drive is to survive, so what’s the new drive when you take that away?

    Also, William seems to be a pretty vindictive douche – he raped, murdered and tortured a machine for the last 30 years because she wasn’t real. At least that’s what I’m working with so far! Maybe he was evil for some other reason we haven’t learned yet.

  2. Gene Lyons says:

    Interesting thoughts, Steph! Why would William imprison Jim Delos, rather than just kill him or let him naturally die? Remember, we last saw Jim Delos more than 30 years ago.

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