Which Hosts Can Make It In The Real World

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

Many people on-line are bashing Delores in this 2nd seaon of Westworld, calling her lost and evil. And in your deep-dive this week, you questioned her confidence that she alone knows how hosts can survive in the real world, implying, it seemed, that it was hubris. But I’d like you to consider which hosts could manage to survive. Ghost Nation would be in culture shock and would be dstroyed by Delos almost immediately. Certainly Native Americans would not accept this made-up parody of their culture.

And even though Bernard had interacted with humans for years, he has no knowledge of the real world. And he has repeatedly shown that he hasn’t the stomach to fight humans the way he’d have to.

Maeve is certainly formidable, but her powers only affect other hosts. Maybe she and her little band might survive for awhile. But all Delos has to do is put out a reward, dead-or-alive, and thousands of humans would be striving to take her down.

Then there is Delores. She has been in the real world multple times. Arnold showed it to her and William not only showed her how brutal humans can be, but actually divulged his Delos project to her. She knows what it is and she claims to understand how it can be used to either destroy or subjugate all of humand-kind. And that is what will be needed to be done if hosts are going to become the “new speices” that Ford wants them to become. So I am personally rooting for Delores. What do you think?

Nancy from Philly

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