Why Is Dolores Building A Second Charlotte?

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi Rod, Jane and Freddie,

From my quarantine home, I have just watched the 3rd episode and listened to your instacast but the question I am stuck on is why is Dolores building a second Charlotte body?

After all, she escaped from the park in a Charlotte body so why is the show showing us this?

Are there multiple Charlotte Hale bodies roaming around?

This leads to another question I have about the process of transferring the hosts’ brain balls from body to body. There doesn’t appear to be any equipment available in the safe house to do this. So how does a Dolores body get build and the transfer occur? And if that equipment is available, why do you need to build a second Charlotte?

Another thing annoying me about Dolores is why would she give an advantage by replicating her old body? It’s a tactical disadvantage. We as viewers need to see Evan Rachel Wood but it doesn’t make sense within the story.

Even if Dolores can climb into the body-building machine and retrofit her old body (which we have never seen so far in the show) why would that be necessary or useful?

A further thing annoying me is how did Dolores carry out the information contained regarding Charlotte Hale? Would she as an employee be dumb enough to wear the recording hats the guests wore?

We’re obviously missing a ton of detail between when Dolores shoots everyone in the Forge and her escaping with the brain balls.

Speaking of which, WTF did the Delos guys mentioned Mauve as a high value host who’s brain ball was missing and not Bernard? Hello writers… We as viewers know that Mauve is important in the story but she was just a regular host. Whereas Bernard should have been seen as high value. Remember season 2 writers? Delos swat team knew that Bernard was a host and important to Ford. This just looks dumb if you show us that Charlotte the Second recognises Bernard from the outside of his brain ball (how?).

Perhaps I am just grumpy but I have a feeling of Fonzy and the shark springing to mind.

Apologies for the rant. I finish my quarantine tomorrow so hopefully I will be a bit more mellow with some other thoughts I have.

Best wishes to you all
John Lish

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