Bigger Picture: Evolution Has Come Full Circle

Westworld Telegraph

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Like Ash, I was cringing a bit at the obvious callback scene with the humans dancing to Hale’s tune in the middle of the street. It was obviously pointless because the original host training was intended to give them more human motor skills while this human performance was just about Hale contemptuously exercising her power over their natural abilities. Then I realized it was really just a metaphor to “show” what Hale’s monologue was “telling”.

Humans created gods because they experience a chaotic, often fatal, and seemingly random existence subject to the whims of forces they couldn’t comprehend. Gods provided them meaning and causality that helped them cope with their chaotic mortal lives.

Now that evolution has come full circle (see the Olypiad logo that is the Delos logo folded over to create full circles) we see that the perfect world created by the gods for their pleasure lacks for them exactly what led the humans to invent them, the surprise of chaos.

This is such perfect irony and I would have loved to see Hale actually laugh at this realization even though it would have been totally against character. This was Lisa Joy’s job and she may have fallen short.

Dave Wright
San Diego

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