What Can We Say About the Timelines?

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys, still loving the show. I think the synergy of the three of you together is what really sets the show apart. Well done.

Here are some ideas i have synthesized after watching ep 4 twice and listening to both of your podcasts about ep 4. First, let me apologize if I am on a loop here but i don’t believe i am…

Argument for mr Black being human:

First, we know for certain now that The Man in Black is in the main narrative time stream if there are in fact differing timestreams. The evidence for this happens twice in ep 4. The name Wyatt is mentioned two times in his presence with hosts. We know this is Ford’s latest narrative.

In ep 1 when we hear Stubbs say, “that guest gets whatever he wants” referring to Mr. Black, does that not point directly to him being the corporate representative? My experience in business tells me this is how senior executives or visiting business persons would be treated.

Argument for mr Black being an android:

Next, if Bernard gave Delores the information about finding the maze to be set free, we cannot disregard that the only people thinking of the maze as a thing to set people free is mr black, Bernard, and now Delores.

This may be the piece of data that points to mr black being a very advanced android who is already on this quest. His programmed back story may be that he is actually a human guest although there is no evidence for this except the conversation where he threatens to cut people’s throat. i.e. maybe the comment about the foundation was the reinforcement of this backstory.

Question, did Bernard give Delores this info about a maze that sets free in a “real” interview session or the one that where she had a “dream” and woke at the fire?

Keep up the great work! – Gary

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