Did Someone Say Thesis?

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys,

I would also like a copy of Ashley’s thesis. Can it be posted somewhere?

I’m totally on Ashley’s side here. Chomsky is a student of the Bertrand Russell school. He’s hyper rationalist. Having loved him and followed him my whole life, I also have a theory that he’s on the autism spectrum. He’s also a lifelong anarchist, and part of his anarchism is trying to take down people with authority he considers unjust, which doesn’t just include all state power, but also people given celebrity status in intellectual circles.

So, while I love him, I think him taking down Foucault and others over the years is just part of his Chomsky thing, and It doesn’t decrease my interest or enjoyment of those philosophers at all. Chomsky is good when discussing global power dynamics and political machinations, but when it comes to other topics, he can be quite wrong. For example, He has also criticized Martin Luther King for his oratorical style, for having too much appeal to emotion

-John G.

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1 Response

  1. Ashley Schlafly says:

    I’ll have to post a link on Twitter 🙂

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