Dolores Is Not Off Loop

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi again,

This theory is not as out there as my last go-round, but I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Now that the multiple timeline concept is pretty much locked in, I’ve been trying to find where Dolores fits in the most recent timeline. It feels as though she had a role in the first episode, then she basically disappeared from the current storyline, while playing a majority of her part in the past.

When he opens up to Teddy and the mod-host by the campfire, the man in black paints himself as a good guy and philanthropist. It left me to wonder if what happened to Maeve and her daughter on the prairie was his first foray as a black hat. Imagine this: MiB is William. The past storyline we are seeing with William and Dolores had such a profound impact on his life, that reliving it becomes an addiction. William spends a week or two every year desperately trying to repeat the same storyline. He knows every aspect, every scenario, every possible turn this one narrative with Dolores and Lawrence can go and, in every attempt to live it out, Dolores dies.

Maybe this is how it is supposed to be, it’s just a narrative called “high adventure with the ranchers daughter” where a guest goes on a quest of self discovery with a naive homebody ranch-girl who turns into a hero and ultimately sacrifices herself in the name of true love. The flashes we see of Dolores seeing herself are just vivid memories of previous times she has played out this narrative with other guests.

There are a only a few times we see current era Dolores. In one or maybe two quick-flash scenes per episode. In these scenes, she is on her deeper narrative loop with a new guest but we don’t see them because they are unimportant to the story we are following.

We know man in black’s goal is to set the hosts free. Maybe now that his wife has passed, he wants to spend his last days with Dolores but without the restraint of westworld.

He starts by taking her to the barn and killing her because he knows it will reset her narrative. And he is pressed for time because he knows the standard timeline for Dolores to get through her deeper adventure narrative in the park. Perhaps there as a point in the story that Dolores could never get passed without dying and MiB/William spent years trying and failing to make it through this story with a happy ending.

He wants to reach and solve the maze before Dolores reaches this point of no return in the current run of her deeper narrative.

Where Ford, Bernard, and the board’s story is about greed and ruthless business tactics, the William/man in black story deep down is about the heartache and sacrifices one must endure in obtaining a true and meaningful love.


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1 Response

  1. uhoh007 says:

    Joe you are a genius! I have been stymied by MIB’s big hurry and this is the first explanation I have heard that rings true to me.


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