Got – Ned Stark Problems

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Hey guys,

I know I’m late to the party, but I just finished watching GoT Seasons 1-7 for the first time, then found (and love) your podcast, so I hoped y’all could help me wrestling with something even though we’re in the offseason.

The revelation that Jon Snow is a Targaryen at the end of Season 7 really called into question many of Ned Stark’s decisions to me. Specifically:

1. Not telling Catelyn the truth. In an otherwise airtight marriage, why would Ned admit to non-existent infidelity? I understand the need to hide Jon’s true lineage from the rest of the world, so they could have told everyone else he was a bastard. But behind closed doors, it seems he could have told Cat the truth. It would have saved them a good deal of marital strife, and almost certainly would have caused Cat to treat Jon better throughout his childhood.

2. Many of his actions in Kings Landing. Knowing he had the true heir to the Iron Throne hidden away at Castle Black, I see absolutely no reason for Ned to have tossed aside his honor, much less his life, just to get Joffrey’s heritage out in the open. Or even to have confronted Cersei about it, for that matter. He could very easily have bowed to Joffrey, then told Jon the truth and conspired to overthrow the false king when the time was right. For a man that wanted nothing but what’s right, he sure made it difficult for the right thing to happen in the grand scheme of things.

I appreciate any thoughts you may have on this. Keep up the great work!

David in Atlanta

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1 Response

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    Ned Stark’s honor and loyalty ultimately were his undoing. Well, that and Joffrey being an absolute asshole. But he promised his sister he’d never tell, and he never did.

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