Roger Mis-Remembering?

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys,

Fan of the show and that you put out an episode for the Monday morning drive to work. Gene, you’re doing a great job and haven’t frustrated me much at all.

“Big D” gets a bit silly sometimes and I laugh in my car when I notice how completely sure of himself he is when I know he’s totally wrong. We’ve all had that friend who hates to be wrong and is so good at sounding right even when it isn’t the case. It’s human, I move on.

But damn, Roger. C’mon, man. There’s only one episode left so I’ll likely keep listening to you guys and consider it for next year, but you didn’t come up with these theories, man. Listen to your co-hosts and shut your mouth. I’d like to point out one of the early podcasts when Dick mentioned the possibility of multiple time frames happening and you were adamantly against even the possibility of that being fact.

Then I get in my car this morning and hear what’s gotta be the poorest example of what a podcast can be. Good God, man. You didn’t guess shit that a hundred Redditors guessed weeks before you. Your big head is going to turn a lot of people away from listening in the future and though I’ll be tuning in going forward, you really need to go back and listen to the times when your mind couldn’t even wrap around the idea that these things were happening on the show.

That said, I enjoy the intsacasts (for the most part) and wish you guys well as you continue the show. I just couldn’t listen to that shit show and not write in (along with, I’m sure, many other loyal listeners).

So to “Big D” and Roger, get off your own dicks a little bit. Sometimes you can be wrong and we’ll be okay with it. Calm down with the pretentious attitudes.

Gene, you’re the man. Keep up the good work and hold the creators accountable for their occasionally campy writing.

Thanks guys,


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