Tagged: Dissonance Theory

Westworld as the Garden of Eden?

Hi guys, Congrats on the big success! You guys must be chuffed. (VERY PLEASED) Well deserved! My brain is about to explode this week and I have a lot of stuff, so you may not want to read this email on the podcast. Hopefully, there’s some stuff of use to...

Will Roman World Make An Appearance in Westworld?

First, I want to thank you guys for hosting an epic podcast. I have been listening to you guys since day one of West World and you have truly enhanced my experience watching the HBO hit. My boyfriend and I watched last night and spent a good hour analyzing all...

Deloris Abernathy’s Grave

Hey guys, It’s Georgia from Brisbane Australia, back with another tin foil hat theory! Did you happen to notice that in one of Deloris’ flashbacks, she’s kneeling in front of her own grave? A grave that clearly has the name ‘Deloris Abernathy’ carved into it. Pretty freaky right?! Could this...

Westworld Episode 4 Theories: "Dissonance Theory"

Westworld Episode 4 Theories: “Dissonance Theory”

Westworld Episode 4 Theories: “Dissonance Theory” It’s that time of the week where the “Hosts”: Rog, Gene, & Big D wrap themselves in their Nasa-supplied tin foil emergency heat blankets, fire up the antique Westworld Telegraph and answer listener theories about Westworld. Our inbox was filled to the brim with...

The Key Is Maeve!

Wanted to start off by saying that I’ve been massively enjoying your podcast so far. I started listening on Monday and I’m catching up now (still haven’t heard your ep4 review so this might already be stated) and I didn’t even bother looking for another podcast. I gotta admit, I...

Far-Fetched Theory Regarding the Woodcutter’s Madness

First of all, great job on the podcast. I’m loving hearing the discussions as much as watching the show! I have a far-fetched theory for you to poke some holes in regarding the woodcutter’s madness. We know that the wood carving is part of his habit programming to keep him...

Westworld Time Line Jumping

Good podcast guys. Thanks for not using the word meta every other sentence. Quick thought on the time line jumping. It’s been put out there that William can’t be the man in black from 30 years ago since Delores sees old man in black then stumbles into William and Logan’s...

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Westworld

I love your podcast and the attention the way you include viewer input. I’d love for you to spend some time exploring all of the literary allusions that add meaning to this show, but I think that you could probably spend a full episode just on the connections between Aldous...