
Westworld Telegraph

Have a Theory? Share It Now!

Hi all,

Love the podcast and everything else you lot have been expanding too lately.

Its not really much of a question but my thoughts.

I’ve just listened to the instacast for the latest episode and I understand what you all are talking about with Westworld every season always having a much simpler solution/end, than ones everyone had been theorising. And that maybe everyone gives the show a little too much credit with the debates and ideologies we think the show is going off of. But isnt them (the show) giving us even just a hint, the mere ability to think that the show is going the way of the deep thinker enough to give them credit? Or is it simply the Nolan effect, where we hold them on such a high pedestal and have conjured up our own idea that Westworld required such deep understanding to be fully appreciated.

I love this show for allowing the audience to flex their brain muscles by throwing in an amalgam of different schools of thought even if it be on a surface level. I love this show for being different to every other mindless show thats on TV for the past decade. Its always been a show about mystery and touching on the big question of ‘who we are’, whilst keeping the main stream audience engaged and simultaneously allowing all of us to think and linger weeks on end about a tv show. So yes maybe Westworld does take the Occam’s Razor approach to their story telling, but I still believe it deserves all the credit it gets for giving us the ability to think the show is taking us on this wild ride we all theorise about. Plus this show lead me (and I assume many others) to you all, so there’s that.

Thanks. Love you all
Mr E from the UK

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