Watchman – Got S 1-5 Level of Quality!


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?Guys – great to have you back after the cluster fuck that was GOT S8….WTF Bran the Boring (and creepy to boot – watch out children of Westeros!)

I am a Watchman virgin – I know nothing about the comic and have not seen the movie. The only reason I decided to watch the show was that you guys kept going on about it!

I was a little apprehensive going into the start of the season but so far I am loving the show for a number of its elements:

1. Dialogue – demonstrates better than anything else, why this is a quality offering. The scene between Looking Glass and Sister Night in the car in Episode 2 was verbal chocolate.

2. Abstractism through surrealism – I am a big Dali fan and I think the surrealism of events in the show allow for abstractism for the world of the show but most importantly of all, who can not love baby squid rain and Jeremy Irons!!!

3. Characters/actors – I love their depth and grayness of morality. Regina King and Tim Blake Nelson are the standout stars. Also Judd’s singing to the 2 families around the dinner table was a low key but very impactful scene and one to make one smile at the start of what is turning out to be a very dark story.

3. World building – like in The Leftovers, the world building is very subtle and is done through the character backstory vignettes – I love that approach.

4. Pace – I don’t need to have action/reveals from start to finish of EVER episode. Sometimes the scenes that can seem the most mundane, can say the most in terms of story development. Also, the seeding of too many mysteries was my one gripe with WW and lets not even mention Lost in that regard. I think after 3 episodes now, we have had quick resolution to some initial mysteries and setting the stage for the big over arching mysteries for the latter part of the season.

Thanks again for taking time out of your busy lives to do this. Also would love to see you guys do a podcast on The Handmaids Tale – it seems to align well with the type of show you like to cover.

Keep fighting the good fight and never give in to the haters (Left, Right or any of other binary thinking closed minded fucks)!

Tom from Chicago.

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