Westworld. Dolores/Serac No Bad Guys

Westworld Telegraph

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So… if you take the showrunners at their word (they received so much flack for last season being too complicated for people to follow) when they say this season is just a straight forward show, no multiple time line bullshit….then,

Serac’s motive is that he believes humans are their own worst enemy and the human race will be destroyed by its own hand (side note: I agree).

Serac builds Rehoboam to manipulate people and all of society, by steering each person’s path by allowing or disallowing aspects of their lives (jobs, education, housing, friends, status, etc.). He does this out of what he believes is an honorable motive: to save the human race from itself and secure its continued existence.

But, in so doing he has taken away humans free will and has determined each person’s “path.” In so doing, he has turned the “real world” people into basically just hosts without freedom.

Dolores wants to disconnect Rehoboam from society, and thus give human beings back free will and the ability to choose their own path. Yes, this path may be one of self-annihilation, but at least it is a path that was self-determined, not programmed onto human society.

So….there are no good or evil sides in this season. One wants to save humanity from itself, and one wants to restore free will. It just a matter of which you, as the viewer, value more.

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