Westworld Season 2 Finale Post Credits MIB Scene Theory

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

Here is my theory regarding the post credits scene with the MIB.

This scene will take place in season 5, years after Delores has taken over the real world. William is being turned into a host so that she can make sure that he will forever be trapped in a prison of his own sins.

After MIB attempts to shoot her in the head and the gun backfires, she tells him that she won’t give him the piece of death before she walks away and leaves him. To me this clearly shows that she has bigger plans for the MIB and possibly all of humanity. It would not surprise me at all to see that once Delores has taken control of the real world she then turns the Westworld concept onto the humans by turning them into hosts and in-prisoning them so that they will forever go through what she went through.

Host Emily in this final scene tells MIB that they are in what is left of the real world and the forge appears to be completely abandoned outside of the room where she explains what is going on to the MIB. I think this along with the vagueness of how long MIB has been in the park is a sign that humans are no longer in control and have not been for quite some time. In my opinion the only reason to keep the length of time that MIB has been in the park and been getting tested for fidelity as a secret is because it will later be a shocking reveal as to how long its actually been. Since we have already seen them test James Delos for over 30 years, in order to produce a truly shocking reveal, my guess is that it will be MUCH longer than that, potentially 100+ years. Also, considering hosts testing hosts for fidelity only worked in the cradle/forge, if this is taking place in true reality it would make sense that it would take 100+ years and I think Delores would not settle for trapping MIB in just a cradle/forge like space but would require it to be in the real world.

I think over the next few seasons we will see Delores’ take over of humanity as well as the MIB die and then in season 5, maybe even the series finale, we will revisit this scene.

Huge fan of the podcast would love to hear your thoughts on this!


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