Westworld Two Things: Bernard’s Leak/Ford’s New Game (Est 5 Min Read)

Westworld Telegraph

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Gentlemen and Lady,

I have listened to every episode of your Westworld podcast. You all are doing exceptional work. I’ve listened to a few different podcasts about Westworld. And this one, is in a class by itself. With this being the case, I rarely feel I have anything to contribute. However, I have heard multiple mentions, in consecutive pods now, about Bernard’s leak and the mutual desires, most of us share about there being more to this new game, than just metaphors. Therefore, I write to you with these two topics, in mind.

Bernard’s Leak

In the Season 1 finale, immediately after Felix finishes his repairs on Bernard, before Maive issues the “wake up” command, Felix says:

“The bullet grazed his cortical shield. It’s not pretty, but” He should be functional.”

Since, Bernard was pointing the pistol to his temple, when the bullet was fired, the kick of the weapon, likely angled the projectile upwards. This would imply any damage from the “grazing,” would be around the top of the cortical shield. With this assumption in mind, I note for the remainder of his screen time in Season 1, Bernard remains upright. I theorize that the actual leaking doesn’t begin, until the scene with the stable boy host, in Season 2. When Bernard gets knocked down in the stable, he virtually lands on his injured temple. Potentially allowing cortical fluid, to leak out of any fracture, which would not leak, when he’s upright. Upon landing, he likely caused or amplified a fracture of his weakened cortical shield. Thus, the severe leakage, leading to his critical failure.

This point of view makes me feel, that a host with an “un-grazed” cortical shield, would not eventually suffer critical damage by simply, bumping their noggin.

Ford’s New Game/The Door

Clearly, Ford gave young Robert a new narrative before Delores pulled the trigger. Ford instructed young Robert to seek out William and read him scripted dialogue, including specifics about Ford’s new game.

“But now, you’re in my game. In this game, you have to make it back out. In this game” you must find the door. Congratulations, William. This game is meant for you. The game begins where you end” and ends where you began. (Improvisation”) Don’t worry. The game will find you.”

Last words of young Robert

Through young Robert, Ford communicates 6 points, of which, I believe all 6, can be viewed somewhat literally.

  • Young Robert says, William is in his game now. This is not metaphorical. William is very much, in a new game, Ford’s.
  • Young Robert states the objective of said game. Also, not metaphorical. William must eventually, escape the park.
  • He says what William “must” do to complete said objective. I also believe this to be literal. I believe “the door” young Robert is referring to, is “the door” William walked through after selecting the white hat, before riding the train, into the park for the first time. (More on “the door” later)
  • Young Robert goes on, this game is meant for William. Not a metaphor. Unlike the maze, which William found the center of even though it wasn’t for him. This game is exactly what William always wanted in Westworld. A game with real consequences. So, congratulations, too.
  • Begins, end, ends, began. This could be, more on the metaphorical side. Logan thinks that, “this place shows you, who you really are.” From this perspective, it’s difficult to take literally. However, Ford believes differently, when he refers to the guests, he says “They already know, who they are. They’re here because, they want a glimpse of who they could be.” From Ford’s point of view, one could conclude, that the game began when William, first entered Westworld. He then became obsessed and the true William ended. (thus who William could be, [MIB] began) If, William escapes, leaving Westworld and everything/one in it behind, (Delores, too?) the game ends and only then will the true William begin again. (thus ending MIB) Through this lens, the point seems much less metaphorical.
  • After an improvised exchange about code, young Robert concludes his narrative. He tells William not to worry, the game will find him. This is also literal. Ford knows his game and all the rules. Ford knows the hosts will find William eventually. Because, he knows they’ll never stop looking, until they do.

This takes me back to ” the door.” Delores now seems to be viewing all people and some hosts as threats. I believe these are hosts that have harmed innocent hosts. These hosts get “left behind.” These hosts and all people don’t “deserve to make it to the valley beyond.” Or, maybe it’s only people who have been through “the door” and into the park? Perhaps, any person who has entered the park “must” now “find” and exit through “the door.” Perhaps only then, that person will “deserve to make it to the valley beyond.” And, will no longer be in danger from Delores and the hosts.

Hopefully, this interpretation of the new game or something more literal, like it will end up being true.

That was long. As one can likely surmise, I have been tumbling down the various rabbit holes, Westworld provides, for quite some time. And, I have, you all to thank, in part for that. I absolutely love this shit! Keep up the excellent work!

* Wes Doub
Richmond, VA

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