Where We’re At in Westworld

Westworld Telegraph

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Been listening to your podcast and I can definitely say that it’s one of the more in-depth and cerebral casts out there regarding the show. So major kudos. I enjoy it a lot. A few things I wanted to bring to your attention regarding the show that I hadn’t really heard discussed before.

  1. (This was posted on the youtube comments by me as well but wanted to raise it here)The MiB mentioned to Teddy that on one of his first visits he cut one of you open and found millions of pieces which indicates the older androids. In all scenes where hosts are shot/maimed/killed there is blood and gore indicating they are the newer version. This would imply that all the scenes are either linear or else relatively close to each other in time. In my opinion it discounts the William = MiB theory.
  2. In episode 5 with the fortune teller there are no cards on the red felt when Dolores reaches for a card but there are two cards on the felt when she places the maze card down. The one next the maze card is marked XXV which actually doesn’t exist (there are only 22 major arcana cards, ending with XXI). Additionally the image on the card to the left is two people on horseback, one dun and one bay colored (like Dolores’ horse and William’s horse) and the rider on the dun is wearing a blue dress. Coincidence? I think not.
  3. According to IMDB Ben Barnes (Logan) is shooting a new series now (The Punisher) which would likely preclude him from further Westworld episodes. While not definitive it implies that he is out by the end of the season somehow (dead?). Additionally, Evan Rachel Wood and Jimmi Simpson do NOT have any upcoming shoots according to IMDB which could imply they are continuing characters (which would be nice). Other characters of note: Ed Harris is filming a movie set for release in 2017, as is James Marsden. Most other actors don’t appear to have any active jobs filming at this time (although some are in post-production). Draw what you will from that but it’s interesting.
  4. You can get Aeden, the AI on the discoverwestworld.com page to say You’re in a prison of your own sins. Hell is empty, and the devils are here. Arnold will come for you. Just type arnold and then follow it up with Where is hell.
    If I had to make a guess, I’m going to say it’s all one timeline and Logan dies. I don’t think Dolores kills him (because that would be grounds for immediate decommission) but wouldn’t be surprised if William or the MiB does it somehow. Additionally I like the idea of the MiB trying to find the center of the maze to attain some kind of immortality like he clearly believes Arnold has because the MiB is dying. Lastly, I can see Dolores continuing her process of self-discovery and learning that everything isn’t black & white but grey” through William” before beginning to evolve past him (but not yet). Think of the movie Her. This is all wild speculation of course. At heart I’m a sappy romantic so I wouldn’t be unhappy to have Dolores and William be able to continue a relationship past the next few episodes but I just don’t see how they keep pushing the story forward that way. – Greg

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