Apologies To The King Bee
Hi. Hello.
I am a fan of a huge fan of your TV’s The Watchmen review podcast. Am I recently just finished your latest episode of the cash and the Deep dive. Actually I’m lying. I haven’t finished the Deep dive. I was just very much off and bolted by the Instant Cash which was a great short kind of review on that final episode which I saw it. every comment was reflecting my own confused like conclusions at the end of it was it was also is that what like a great ending episode is also very opening days. But anyway, I have also here to announce that this is Scotty. I left a review calling out the king of be an issue. I must resend my negative tone because it was horribly wrong and King has completely redeemed himself in the final few episodes across the entire like comprehensively reviewing the entire series. I might have been a little harsh I can be but he broke my heart episode 7 reviews whatever he just said, I can’t do any more of these thoughts. I thought the full production up until the end was just so brilliant. And then whenever I heard a TV thing, I can’t do flashbacks anymore. It just broke my heart and then I wrote this a very saving Lee toned review, but I left it open-ended Dave you guys were stars, which I think I need to change that to five stars because you guys called me out. And kind of like you you brought up the worst and the best part of my review and I was like damn like you guys really care. So anyway, I really care about how you guys like deliver this stuff because it’s so successful in my opinion. You guys do such a great job with other series as well. But Watchmen, in my opinion, I’m a white male 24 months I work and go to school I deal with a lot of history and politics in this show just hit a lot of those tones that I’m dealing with the conversation and passing conversational who I feel like this affected by race and gender and age. Place it more or less with the current state of affairs and way that Watchman brought up all of these questions and all of these like all these conflicts for TV on HBO, which is so well done that it opens up so much in which is what I really adore about this whole entire production of the whole entire podcast. You guys should have a great conversation and I use this podcast and the HBO podcast the kind of cross-reference my own assumptions about the episode because like after episode three, I had no idea what I was watching.