Category: Westworld Telegraph

Longest Email Ever About W S4 Finale

The rant begins… The season 4 finale should have been episode 7. The man in black walking to Bowie’s Man Who Sold The World WAS the mic drop. The Christina stuff was boring, slow AF and not engaging throughout the entire season. Then it’s revealed that everyone in Christina’s world...

Dolores Good, Halores Bad?

Hey Hosts, Happy final westworld week! I am writing about a few points made in the instacast. I don’t think the writers made Halores instantly good. She was always “good” for being pro-host. She was just vengeful, evil to humans she felt were evil to her. She had good intentions...

Above Average Season

Folks – first of all, a big thank you for all of your wonderful WW coverage this season – it has been a great journey! A few comments on this season: – We got a scene with Rebus – love anything that Steven Ogg is in!! -The season finale certainly...

Your Instant Takes Were Too Kind

Hey, y’all (to borrow a line…), I’ll keep it brief as you all hit nearly every major point in describing how utterly worthless the Westworld season four finale was. I’ll simply say I agree with your negative assessments of the key points–I actually said out loud to my wife afterward...

Westworld… Over It!

Hey gang, I feel like what a waste of three seasons of my life!! Westworld should have been one (season) and done. Why didn’t / couldn’t Hale go into the sublime too? (Perhaps she thought she would taint it) What happened to all the other hosts out in the wild?...

William’s Jetpacking

On William’s “jetpacking” – Let’s set aside just general realities of editing and try to figure this out. When William gets the truck it’s daytime. When William loses the truck it’s daytime. We could assume it’s supposed to be the same day, but it seems much more likely that it’s...

Westworld S4e8 Final Review And Question

I just finished episode 8 of season 4 and I’m man enough to admit part of my theory was wrong. I thought she was talking to people through the tones and only outliers couldn’t hear her. But turns out it was just that old bicameral mind thing again. I still...

Great Season Finale

What’s up Shat Squad?! Great S4 finale (IMO). It had been discussed on the cast about this whole thing being a simulation but I didn’t see it playing out quite like this. I thought Hale was malfunctioning when she began stomping on the floor. Even after seeing Christina’s “World” flash...