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Westworld Telegraph

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Great to hear that my favorite podcast on my favorite show is back! Thanks in advance for all your hard work at the Mesa!

So finally WW S3 is here and I have a few pre-season comments.

…enter analysis mode

1. WW does a great job in raising awareness and understanding of some of the great existential questions. What makes us human?
Do we really have free will?
What is our true drive in life?

2. Another strong element of the show, is the blurred lines in morality. This is what makes Ford and his realpolitik approach to host liberation so interesting.

3. To truly appreciate season 2, one needs to do multiple watches and in binge model, to truly understand the story. In doing so it makes one realize, the story telling approach, very much follows the form of novels like Ulysses by Joyce. In this story telling structure, there are not traditional chapters (episodes) but the story operates in a continuous flow. At first, this approach may seem confusing, chaotic and lacking structure but it reflects to a large extent how people think on a daily basis – we don’t just focus on a single thought stream at a time but rather jump around between different elements of the same thought.

4. In the world of WW, mankind is reaching a point in time where one of the proposed answers to the Fermi paradox will be addressed. Note: The Fermi paradox asks the question – why have we not heard from alien races given the age of the Universe plus the simple mathamatical probability of intelligent species existing in a galaxy the size of the Milky Way. One is the most common answers given to this paradox, is, due to civilizations inability manage their technology, they end up destroying themselves before they can grow beyond a certain point. Will the hosts be hosting our demise as a species?

5. S3 will be when perception meets reality. Delores and the other hosts in the “real world” will see the other side of human nature – kindness, love, empathy – these are what I see as the high level human qualities vs the base ones they saw in WW – violence, lust, greed. This will cause a crisis of beliefs in these new sentient beings, who are still but children in terms of emotional maturity.

6. I really hope Nolan and Joy in their effort to appeal to a broader audience, don’t go all iRobot movie style on us. ????

End analysis mode.

Tom from Chicago

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1 Response

  1. Ashley Schlafly says:

    One thing I loved here was that you brought up the idea of the Fermi Paradox. I think we are clearly seeing it set up for our tech (the hosts in this case) to take us down. The interesting thing will be, though, if we find both ourselves and the tech destroyed. What if Dolores through her interactions with Caleb show her that neither group deserves to remain? Thanks so much for such a great email. I am looking forward to your thoughts throughout the season!

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