Tagged: Michael Ealy


Westworld Episode 6 Review: “Decoherence”

It only took six episodes, but Gene finally has tinfoil! Find out why he thinks Charlotte Hale was acting weird, and hear Big D’s far more plausible explanation. Ashley adds to the mix with a breakdown of William’s WWE group therapy, and we round out coverage of Westworld Season 3, Episode 6, by discussing the identities of the hosts being printed at Delos. In this “Decoherence” Deep Dive, the Shat Crew also delves into William’s mysterious blood protein, Charlotte’s incredible outfit, one particularly familiar orderly, and who was behind the car bombing that shocked us all.


Westworld Episode 6 Instant Take: “Decoherence”

What a save! Episode 6 seemed to pump the brakes on all of Season 3’s momentum in the opening minutes but finished with a real bang as our Westworld warriors found violent new motivations that set the stage for an explosive finale. Big D loved the William group therapy session, and Ash was intrigued by the changes happening in Charlores. Gene just relished Decoherence’s multiple bloodbaths and incredible action sequences starring Tessa Thompson. Going into Tuesday’s Deep Dive, the Shat Crew touches lightly on William’s blood tracker, the mystery hosts being printed, and how far the Dolori can stray from their maker.


Westworld Episode 4 Theories: “The Mother of Exiles”

Listener mail this week focused on Caleb, Dolores’s pearl clones, an underpopulated Neo Los Angeles, lost lines of dialogue, William’s punishment, and blood identity scanners. “Westworld” Season 3, Episode 4 also inspired email and voicemail covering Charlotte Hale tinfoil, hamartia, “Rent” the musical, and that hammy fight scene between Dolores and Stubbs. Check it out, then join us Friday and Sunday on Twitch to discuss: www.shatontv.com/twitch

Westworld Episode 4 Review The Mother of Exiles

Westworld Episode 4 Review: “The Mother of Exiles”

Gene and Ashley take heat from listeners, and Big D skates by as we dive deep into Season 3, Episode 4: “The Mother of Exiles.” This edition of Shat on TV explores a multi-Dolores universe, including the emergence of Dolores Prime, and asks “Who has the key to the Sublime?” We also dig up everything we know about Caleb, add to Dick Ebert’s Crazy Timelines and Tinfoil Show, revisit the ambulance shooting, debate Meat Farm vs. Dairy, consider Incite’s role in Caleb and Dolores meeting, and learn about “infantry old.”

Westworld Episode 4 Instant Take: “The Mother of Exiles”

All you pearl-divers got your answer as “Westworld” Season 3, Episode 4 revealed more of Dolores’ master plan, kicked up the violence, and turned on the sex appeal.Gene was left wondering, “Why Caleb?” Ashley raised an eyebrow at how Bernard and Stubbs knew so much, and Big D scribbled down a timeline that would make Carrie Matheson proud.The Shat Crew also discusses perhaps the goofiest “Westworld” moment of 2020 and learns to accept the show on its own terms.


Westworld Episode 3 Theories: “The Absence of Field”

Texas shows up strong in this listener mail edition of Shat on TV: Westworld. Your email and voicemail concerning Season 3, Episode 3, brought in lots of expertise, from theoretical physics to medical protocol.This week’s topics include time as a loaf of bread, the “noble savage” philosophy, humanism vs. determinism, and how to pronounce Rehoboam like a true church-goer.We also talk Isaac Asimov, “Westworld” sound design, and a string of Umm … Actually for a defenseless Dick Ebert.


Westworld Episode 3 Review: “The Absence of Field”

Who the Hale is Charlotte? Roger Roeper returns to “Shat on TV” to explore the biggest question presented by Westworld Season 3, Episode 3: “The Absence of Field.”Ashley Schlafly explains the poem behind the episode’s title and reaches back to Ancient Rome to illustrate the predicament Caleb is facing. Gene Lyons celebrates Westworld’s vision of future tech: personal assistants, predictive models, augmented-reality glasses, artificial intelligence, drip implants, and of course that one stupid ambulance. The Shat Crew also looks into Charlotte’s self-mutilation, chunky metal balls, Serac’s identity, and Jamaican riot robots.


Westworld Episode 3 Instant Take: “The Absence of Field”

If your main question after Season 3, Episode 3, was “who’s in those pearls?” you missed a lot of really good TV. Westworld’s genre-switching was phenomenal; Tessa Thompson’s portrayal of another inside Charlotte Hale’s shell was impeccable, and plausible glimpses of future tech were both astonishing and chilling. In this instant reaction episode, we touch on Rahobo’s mirror reality, Caleb’s augmentation, Charlotte’s predator within, and the very idea of identity. The Shat Crew also announce their new Twitch channel and celebrate pedophile murder. Also, if you miss our opening theme music, blame Apple for not allowing Audacity on Catalina. We’ll have it fixed for the Deep Dive.