Tagged: WW-S4E06

Caleb 279

Hi all When she found out after 278 iterations that Caleb only had an apology for Frankie and not a big reveal about what makes him the special human that Hale was hoping for, iteration 279 seems to be a complete do-over for Caleb. We see the droid host blasting...

Charlotte Hale Is the Ascension Zone

Dear Shat Hosts, Boredom is a very human condition, even if you get everything you thought you always wanted. As was established previously, God Is Bored. As is established on yesterday’s episode, God Is On A Loop. We don’t know how long Ascension has been an option for hosts, but...

Hope And Rats

Greetings Shat on Westworld crew, I know a little bit about the rodent studies on the hope that Big D mentioned in today’s instacast. I used a similar procedure to stress rats- exploring male and female differences in stress responses and their effect on neurogenesis and learning. Let me provide...

Halores’ Worst Nightmare

Shat Team, Just a quick addition of some clarification to my previous email and a few additional ideas that have come to me in the hours after the episode. A deeper point to what I said about Halores’ revelation by Caleb’s words which shook her deeply, is that she knows...

Thoughts On Episode 6 And Fidelity

Hello, Team, Did dinner and Westworld with friends for the first time. Got a lot of talking and ideas from this episode. The hosts aren’t being infected, obviously, but they are getting a new perspective when they talk to an outlier. The hosts must live in a non-westworld setting, where...

Halores’ Worst Nightmare

Hey, Shat Crew! So, I’m sending this not even an hour after finishing tonight’s episode, because I have a good amount to say on one subject. I will say beforehand, though, that this episode ended up giving me major Triangle vibes with Caleb’s horror movie-like attempted escape and running into...

Westworld S4E6

Hey Shat Crew! Unfortunately, the writers didn’t call me to help them punch up the script for ep. 6 but if they would have, I would have pitched the idea that when Caleb 278 gets to the air duct drop scene, instead of using 277(assuming that was the previous version)...

Theory For Westworld S4E5

Hello! Thank you Shat Crew for all that you do! Found you guys when Taboo was on and like Ashley wanted to find something online to continue a discussion/break down and subsequently also found Shat The Movies, all of which I love and look forward to because I enjoy your...