That’s Not Dolores Prime

Westworld Telegraph

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Second point is the good stuff…1st paragraph is more of an observation.

First, everyone online seems to either be complaining about or confused by the fact that the hosts have been using blades and swords to do battle the last few episodes. I believe that they switched to “blade fighting” because due to a lack of actual organs needed to function, a bullet does very little damage in comparison to a swipe from a katana. Of course, a blast from a 50 cal will do far more damage (as we see from Dolores’s lost arm) but that came from a craft and not host-on-host. Bullets just don’t have the host-killing potential of a “can opener” type of move, like the one that took down Mushashi. Additionally, blades weapons cause more “bleed” damage than a single shot from a pistol or assault rifle (especially a 5.56, but a 7.62 may take a decent chunk out of whatever gets in its way). Think of a host as a chunk of clay. A bullet makes a hole, but a blade will rip that clay any way you want. The fact that hosts are ultra coordinated and precise, plus machine-level strong makes a long bladed weapon more deadly than most firearms that they can tote.

Now the theory: the Dolores we saw get her arm blasted off (and self EMP) wasn’t Dolores Prime. Regarding Dolores’s 5 pearls, there’s still 1 host unaccounted for. The Dolores that was with Caleb speaking to Solomon isn’t the Mastermind that we think she is. Either there’s 2 copies of Dolores (in Dolores style bodies) or the real Dolores Prime is still yet to be unveiled and (presumably) hiding in plain sight (similar to season 2, so I don’t expect this to be the reveal).

Also…anyone else feel that the cover story that w as spun up for Caleb is eerily similar to that of one Mr Teddy Flood? Veteran of a Civil War, went through a bad massacre that was wiped from his memory, and ends up becoming a bounty Hunter, while having the promise for a better life dangling just out of his reach? I don’t think Caleb is a host or anything, but perhaps some of the data that Incite purchased from Delos included intriguing backstories that help us, as humans, stay on our predetermined course and form emotional bonds while providing the motivation to complete the ulterior motives of the “Mother Brain” that is Solomon/Rehoboem/etc.

Love you guys, and talk to you soon!!

Derek Fuckin’ English

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