There Are Two “Incidents” That Took Place in Westworld

Westworld Telegraph

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This is so long I’m sorry for whoever is doomed to read this but…..

as the self proclaimed annoying person who possibly over tweets and over emails, i will submit to you the following: (omit that part if you read this out loud i hate people that say this but i also hate being annoying)

you three are, in my opinion, very intelligent, but how you’ve royally fucked up this is beyond my understanding so lets just make this clear before the season finale:

There are TWO incidents that have occurred at the park, that we are seeing all at once, over two of the three time frames:

  • Incident #1: The Death of Arnold
  • Incident #2: The Incident that almost shut down the park (the Critical Failure)

Facts pertaining to each “incident”:

  • Incident #1:
    Arnolds death took place “34 years 47 days blah blah hours ago” (see Dolores’ talk with Ford via episode 5 [i think]) Arnolds death took place prior to the park’s opening (see Logans chat with William via episode 2 [i think] “the guy died right before the park opened) Arnold death took place by the hands of Dolores (see Dolores’ heartbreaking realization when remembering her talks with BernArnold “i killed you” episode 9)
  • Incident #2:
    Shortly after the park opened an incident occurred (see Teresa’s talk with Bernard, [episode 1/2/3 i can’t remember and can’t find it at this moment] where Bernard specifies that a “Critical Incident” took place 30 years ago) The Critical Failure(Incident) took place while the park was operating with guests (because simple math would deduce that 34 years does not equal 30)

Now follow along:
Arnold is killed by Dolores in the park (FACT), the Flashbacks we are seeing of Dolores and Teddy going on a Rambo Style killing spree in the Church Town (Escalante) is MOST LIKELY where Arnold meets his demise (assumption). But that first incident would have taken place BEFORE the park was opened to the public (fact) and in the City filled with Sand/Church/Escalante (FACT).

The Critical Failure that took place then could NOT be happening during william and logans time period, since William clearly walks ON TOP of the town buried in sand/church/escalante, therefore this rambo rampage with Doddy (see what i did there) couldn’t have happened during Wil/Los visit to the park.

TL;DR Incident #1 is the death of Arnold The Critical Failure (Incident #2) is something that happens during Will/Los visit at the park (which we have no flashbacks as of yet, or maybe we did but it isn’t the church town massacre)

More convincing evidence of two huge incidents that have taken place

  1. Fords NEW Narrative:
    Ford has made is crystal clear that he is presenting a “NEW” narrative to the Board. The Board which includes MiB (and come on he’s fucking William so lets stop waiting for more proof they shouldn’t have to spell this one out for us all). If the “Incident” at the church took place during Williams visit, he would realize what the fuck is going on and be like hey this aint new ive lived through this shit. But he doesn’t know about the Church incident, he doesn’t know about the massacre that Doddy went on and he doesn’t know about Arnolds death in that first incident BECAUSE IT HAPPENED BEFORE HE GOT THERE….so Ford’s “NEW” narrative is a story ROOTED IN TRUTH, because it has happened, but before anyone was allowed into the park, its NEW to everyone but Ford/Dolores/1st gen hosts that witnessed Dolores killing Arnold/on the killing spree
  2. there has to be SOMETHING that happened for them to declare a “Critical Failure” that occurred 30 years ago in the park, that forced QA to always be weary of any time a host goes unscripted or off their loop. and that SOMETHING had to be profound enough that, even though it was hemorrhaging money, Ford had to allow a HUGE corporation (DELOS) to come in buy him out and potentially control his every move with their Board (why would a man like Ford, whose a megalomaniac, ever give control to a Board unless an incident took place with guests in the park that threatened to shut down everything unless a bigger corporation was willing to take control, oversee everything and ensure safety for human guests to attend)
  3. lets face facts: logan has to go somehow. While i think its going to be annoying seeing it come to this conclusion (because the dick somehow always dies one way or another), i don’t see how on god’s good earth Logan could now leave the park with william (this psycho who just chopped up a shitton of robots and took a knife to logan’s throat to make him look for his robogirlfriend and basically proved his a bad guy going around pretending very hard to be a good guy, who would also be a threat and not some pushover Logan accused him of being in episode 5), and allow William to marry his sister, who he loves so much he carries with him a picture of her that he makes sure is always on him….like how does that make sense? William just put a fucking knife to Logans throat and is clearly on the verge of a serious mental break how the FUCK do you let him actually marry your sister? you don’t. you don’t at all. so, being that MiB is william, and we can all say that he ended up marrying the sister of Logan, that means something bad happened to logan and he couldn’t stop that wedding from happening.
  4. EVERYTHING, EVERY PLOT TWIST EVERY SUDDEN REVELATION EVERY CHARACTER HAS TWO HUGE OMGS! Bernard is a host…AND ARNOLD (double) Teresa is betraying the board AND DIES(double)…..Maeve is waking up now because of Violent Delights virus, BUT SHE ALSO HAD HER AWKENING WITH HER DAUGHTER BEING KILLED BY MiB(double). Doubles. Two Incidents. We will see at the finale the first incident at the church town, Arnold getting killed and Dolores freaking the fuck out with teddy. We will also see the second incident (critical failure) where something hurts/maims/kills logan and allows william to become VP of Delos, buy out the park, ensure he can always go back and finally prove to himself that he was always right, Dolores is awake and he wasn’t wrong.

Again to just make this short
Incident #1 is Arnolds death by Dolores 34 years ago at the church town Incident #2 Critical Failure during Williams Timeframe NOT at the church town

and ill do a Rog prediction (throw shit at the wall and pray something sticks LOL sorry Rog) and say that we have an Incident #3 in the making in Maeve’s whole “take down the man” which is orchestrated by Ford, to kill everyone in the Mesa/Delos corporation that needs taking out (charlotte and anyone else threatening Ford’s total control) so he can have full free range and lead us to season 2, giving him a fresh start to do whatever he wants Board free. (and also wouldn’t that be fitting. we see three time frames [34 years ago – dolores at the church/ 30 years ago – dolores with william/ present day – dolores solo mission back at the church, now running into MiB/William/WiB] and we see three incidents all taking place in one fucking season to blow the minds of everyone who thinks theres only 1 or 2 time frames)

(don’t let that last prediction steer you away from the facts that there are two incidents, not one. so lets not get it twisted)

Please don’t read this whole thing, if its even worth of a top 20 for the telegraph. just get to the point i believe there are at least two major incidents, and we will see each of those incidents in the finale (if you don’t think I’m insane you can mark me for the 3rd incident being maeve but thats it)

really love listening to you guys, really love this whole platform you’ve given to people like me who is really intimidated by the meanie trolls on reddit but really want to say what i gotta say because i think I’m right

thanks again sorry its a novel, sorry i didn’t include screen shots but idk how the fuck to get them so yea.

P.S. side note: logan’s westworld bachelor bonding motto:
Bros before RoBoHos (HA!) ok now I’m done.

Also if you ever need a free intern to do research/read emails/make graphs, my services are available. (i have a job I’m not looking to be paid or get 15 mins of fame by the faceless masses, but I’m willing to help however i can for free because i support you guys so much in becoming #1 podcast for westworld (and beyond) and id like ONE THING I SUPPORT THIS YEAR to actually accomplish a goal/win)

(yes i voted for hillary and I’m still salty about the death of america. couldn’t win the election, would like you guys to win #1 of all podcasts.)

SERIOUSLY DONE NOW. god I’m really annoyed.  – Gillian

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