Westworld Episode 5 Review: “Contrapasso”

Westworld Episode 5 Review: "Contrapasso"
Westworld Episode 5 Review: "Contrapasso"

Westworld Episode 5 Review: “Contrapasso”

Contrapasso is proportionate punishment for sins, and Westworld Episode 5 hinted at all the ways our favorite characters are about to pay for their transgressions. From Maeve’s growing abilities to Dr. Ford’s growing hubris to El Lazo’s growing rebellion in Pariah, Westworld is heating up to an explosive boil.

Up for debate and discussion in this week’s podcast: Are Dolores’ hallucinations just new narratives being uploaded into her mind? Who is behind the Woodcutter’s satellite uplink? Is Arnold a real person who created Dr. Ford, or the other way around? And is the maze just a call to arms for hosts ready to fight back?

Like a corpse full of nitroglycerin, Westworld is about to blow up. Let’s share a toast and watch the fireworks.

Westworld Episode 5 Summary:
“Contrapasso” Hughes discovers that the stray has been transmitting information outside of the park to an unknown party, reporting it to Bernard. The Man in Black kills Lawrence, whose blood he transfused into Teddy. They are then confronted by Ford, who assures the Man in Black that he will not stop the latter’s efforts to find the maze, returning Teddy’s full strength also. Dolores, William and Logan travel to the town of Pariah, where they meet criminal gang leader El Lazo, a.k.a. Lawrence, who tasks them with stealing a wagon of high explosives from the Union Army, a mission they complete successfully. Dolores, who has been seeing visions of herself advising her to find the maze, realizes El Lazo intends to keep the explosives for himself rather than to sell them to the former Confederates, who apprehend Logan while William and Dolores flee, joining El Lazo in the train. Maeve awakens in the control center and demands technician Felix chat.

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4 Responses

  1. Joanna Rice says:

    Dick, please check your email. I believe I figured out the timelines in relation to Dolores. I wanted to get this info to you guys before you record Thursday’s show. Thanks!

    • Dick Ebert says:

      You’re in time, as we normally record around 11pm eastern. With each of us spread around the country, its the only way to accommodate for the time differences. Thanks for listening and taking the time to write in.


  2. Jason says:

    I’m surprised there was no discussion about Wyatt’s dead body being hauled in the back of the wagon when william/logan/delores first enter pariah.

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