In The Army Now (1994)

In The Army Now Quote: “I’ve seen lots of camel toes before, but never on a camel!” – Bones Conway
We dedicate this Shat The Movies episode to those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces and the people who love them. Oh, and Pauly Shore fans who feel horribly underserved by our existing catalog.
You might think “In The Army Now” offends veterans of the Army and Army Reserve. It’s irreverent, inaccurate, and inappropriate. But at least one Shat warfighter, The Colonel, finds it surprisingly ingenious.
Among the cheap gags, inexplicable plot holes, and strange takes on sexuality is a movie showcasing a young Andy Dick, a sorta hot (according to Ash) Pauly Shore, and a pre-“Tank Girl” Lori Petty. There are some smarts, like an “Of Mice and Men” allusion, and some flat-out funny scenes, like a hilarious attack on a Libyan SCUD site. How will the Shat Crew ultimately rule on this movie? The results surprised Gene Lyons.
In this podcast, you’ll also hear about Big D’s experiences in Basic Training, Gene’s regrets about not serving, and Ash’s queries about the military’s water filtration needs. We also cover Dear John letters, Defense Directive 1304.26, and what it means to be “barracks hot.”
Plot Summary: “In The Army Now” After getting fired from their jobs at an electronics store, Bones (Pauly Shore) and Jack (Andy Dick) sign up for the U.S. Army Reserve, hoping to make a little money with a minimum of responsibility. What the hapless pals don’t realize, however, is that Libya has just invaded Chad, so Bones and Jack are quickly shipped off for service. Now, these slackers turned Army recruits are getting lost in the Sahara and engaging in armed combat with the Libyan forces.
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