Category: Westworld Telegraph

Low-Budget Season 5

Hi all, So I like the ‘start with the beauty’ thing you all are doing so I’ll start the email with that. Aaron Paul this episode for me was fantastic. You lot pointed out that Caleb was the only real emotional part of the episode and I agree. A major...

The Gamification Of Westworld

Hey Shat Crew, I have to begin this with an admission.. Each week I would hope that you were wrong on your instacasts and that the episodes were actually really good, but we just didn’t realize it yet. Sadly, that was not the case this year. Some of these episodes...

Season 4 Was Soo Meta

Hey guys. First of all thank you for being great as always and helping us get through this doomed season. While watching it, especially towards the end, it started to feel more and more like a metaphor for the show’s downfall. “This world that we built” (in season 3) is...

How This Season Could Have Been Better

This one isn’t really for the Telegraph, just me sharing my thoughts. I think they could have made this season great if they had framed it as MIB versus Hale. You could have the first episode almost exactly the same with MIB acting as Hale’s enforcer. Episode two would be...


Hello Seekers! After further review, I found Que Sera, Sera a stunner in many ways. At first, I saw hopelessness, really, from a series whose prime motivation for all the characters is built on hope. I can understand dissing some of the details in the episode and the previous one...

Think This Is My Stop

Hey Hosts! Alert the CDC, I think we have another TV victim of the pandemic. I wonder how much of the show was hampered by shooting restrictions or budget limits. But you’re not the only ones to find this season lacking in so many ways. So many things were told...


Hi Guys, Listened to your insta podcast and wanted to share my feedback – especially when you spoke about listeners dropping off now as we are at the end of season. I have only just caught up in the series to be able to input to you guys. Have listened...