Tagged: WM-S1E9

Power Egg

Hi Guys Listening to the finale deep dive and the discussion of why Angela ate the egg. People seem to be focusing on the “Superman” powers of Doc M, and why Angela might want these, but the focus in the show has been on the simultaneous time perception. The ONLY...

Comic Book Or Graphic Novel?

Juan in Key West, Florida. Love the podcast. Been around since Season 6 of GOT. First time emailing. You guys… stop complaining about “two dimensional characters”. In 9 episodes, there’s not a lot of time for story telling and character development. Angela eating the egg: she’s black and was discriminated...

Angela Wants To Do More

I’m sure you’re figured this out by now (since I’m a total newbie!) – but Angela took the egg without hesitation because of what Will said to her at the end – “He could have done so much more”. With all that power, maybe Angela, w/Dr. Manhatten’s powers, could do...

Could The Egg Corrupt Angela?

Why did Angela eat the Egg? One possibility is that the Egg represents Cal’s “last will and testament”. He left it for her and made it clear to her that he wanted her to have it. It’s hard to imagine a bereaved wife not wanting one more moment of closeness...

I Want More Watchmen

Hello team, As usual, great job on the podcast. Trust me, your hard work on your podcasts for Watchmen and Leftovers were appreciated by some of us. My theory is Dr. Manhattan only gave Angela some of his powers. Here are some clues -If Dr. Manhattan gave Angela ALL of...

Manhattan Would Choose Will Reeves

Thanks again for the great podcast. After listening to the instacast and the deep dive for Episode 9, I completely agree with Roger about how ridiculous it was to have Angela Abar eat the egg without any concern for what the consequences would be and without giving it any thought...

Angela And The Egg

The reason why Angela ate the egg was because of Will’s final words to her, “considering what he could do… he could have done more”. Arguably Angela has never really felt totally connected to this world. She felt alienated in Vietnam, and now that Cal is gone she doesn’t feel...

Angela Was Selfless

There have been a lot of really good discussions about Angela consuming the Manhattan egg, but I’ve noticed that they’re mostly centered on his actual powers and the responsibility of “being” Dr. Manhattan. But I don’t think the ending has anything to do with Angela wanting to be a God....