Watchmen Episode 7 Instant Take: “An Almost Religious Awe”

Watchmen Episode 7 Instant Take
Watchmen Episode 7 Instant Take

Watchmen Episode 7 Instant Take

The Shat Crew provide their immediate reactions to Watchmen Episode 7, “An Almost Religious Awe.” Gene rolls his eyes at the flood of I-told-you-so tweets coming after the big blue reveal, and Roger spots Trieu tech in the Seventh Kavalry hideout. Also, Dr. Lyons explains mnemodialysis and begins to worry we might have an Avengers-type showdown on the horizon.

Have a quick listen, write us at, and listen in Tuesday for the Watchmen Deep Dive.

Watchmen Episode 7 Summary:
“An Almost Religious Awe” Angela continues to be treated for the Nostalgia, her own memories of losing her parents and her grandmother June in Vietnam mingled among Will’s. Angela learns that the Manhattan phone booths supposedly connected to Mars simply route to this facility, and Trieu tells her Doctor Manhattan is actually on Earth, in Tulsa, disguised as a human. Trieu is aware that the Kavalry plan to capture and destroy Dr. Manhattan, as to become like him; Trieu is planning to activate the Millennium Clock to execute some plan within the hour to save the world. Angela breaks free, rushes home, and after telling Cal she loves him as a husband, she bashes his head in with a hammer and pulls out a small disc shaped after Manhattan’s symbol. Laurie goes to speak to Jane Crawford about her husband’s death, but falls into a trap door and taken to the Kavalry headquarters, where Joe reveals their plan to capture Manhattan to fight against white discrimination. Petey tries to track down Looking Glass, finding his fallout shelter filled with bodies of the Kavalry but no sign of him. Veidt is put on a year-long trial by the Game Warden, which Veidt takes as a farce.

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1 Response

  1. Jonjonz says:

    Great podcast; it’s been lots of fun. Just want to get on the record before the last two episodes: Ozy will wake up from his dream of being on a Jovian moon and he will be on Trieu’s campus (probably will even be his own statue) where he’s been the entire time. Some tropes just won’t leave us alone.

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